In 2008 I produced two migraine-related works entitled The Way To Lightning Mountain Is The Way Into Me and Vision Of Unity Across 20000 Years. This sketch continues that series and is the result of a recent decision I have made regarding the direction of my arts practice for the next few years.
The Way To Lightning Mountain Is the Way Into Me, 2008
(a work which refers less directly to the mgiraine experience)
Following some positive feedback from visionary artist Laurence Caruana, a man who quite literally wrote the book on Visionary Art, I have resolved to express a deeper visionary intent in my work which exposes more of my soul in the work: being brave and not referring obliquely to the (sometimes) disturbing aspects of the work, but being direct about them, is key here. I have also decided to produce a series of works about migraines and the disorientating, visionary and jarring experiences I have when I suffer them. I have had them since I was a child, so it's important to express their fractured imagery face on.

(a work which refers less directly to the mgiraine experience)
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