Sunday, 28 June 2009
And She Whispered Numbers Into Me

Monday, 22 June 2009
Salvic Sisterhood

50cm x 40cm, 2008 and 2009
Acrylics Gouache and Markers on Canvas
Six Epiphanies

Acrylics, Gouache, Inks & Markers, 2009
A limited edition booklet will soon be available, containing images, sketches and thoughts on Honey... and these six epiphany images.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Migraine Sketch (untitled as yet)

(a work which refers less directly to the mgiraine experience)
Opening Event at Artmazia, Massy, France

All in all, a fantastic trip and wish it could have been longer than a single weekend. If you're ever in Normandy or the Pays de Bray, Massy and Artmazia are definitely worth a visit and I'm hoping that either this autumn or next spring we'll be able to go back for a much longer stay...
Friday, 12 June 2009
The Night I Discovered My Bones
Human Download

Now showing at Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, Leeds
as part of the ArtsMix* sponsored BORN exhibition
Coming Up - The Great Derbyshire Palaeolithic Hunt

A site-specific contemporary arts project from Bruce Rimell
In taking the site of the caves at Creswell Crags and mirroring the ancient experiences and engraved artistic expressions of that site across the whole of Derbyshire, I am attempting to turn the whole county into a Palaeolithic Hunt for the participants. More importantly, by engaging in a hunt for objects whose form strongly resonates with such imagery as bison, mammoths and flintheads, across a landscape where we know Palaeolithic hunters once roamed, the participants relive a profound archetypal experience of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
Coming Up - Modern Palaeolithic

42cm x 59cm : Inks & markers on card
Modern Palaeolithic - An Exhibition by Bruce Rimell
Leeds College of Art & Design, Nov-Dec 2009
Drawing from archaeological data, the findings of specialists such as Lewis-Williams and Henshilwood, and from personal visits to Palaeolithic sites such as Altamira, Ekain and Creswell Crags, this exhibition explores the experiential, mythical and cosmogonical motifs thought to have been understood by the cultures of the Upper Palaeolithic from the Atlantic coast of Western Europe to Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia. The work in this project is intended to evoke an ancient sense of the hunter gatherer in the mind of the modern viewer, seeking to resonate with an evocative remembrance through a body of work in a variety of media, aiming not so much to stimulate discussion but to bring about a quiet commemoration of what has passed and to make a connection with the earliest human expressions.
And She Whispered Numbers Into Me
Honey For The Mistress Of The Labyrinth
This work brings together ideas from diverse thinkers as Cretan archaeologist Nikolaos Platon and psychedelic theorist Terence McKenna, and is exhibiting in ArtMazia Gallery in
General - Intros, blurbs and meta-posts like this one. Miscellaneous stuff.
Artwork - Original artworks or piece in completed form.
Exhibition - News or updates on a forthcoming exhibition, or images from a previous one.
Sketch - Sketches of intended future work, or of finished works to show the progression from inception to completion.
WIP - Work In Progress. Somewhere between 'Sketch' and 'Artwork'.
Project - Part of a larger project, either funded (eg, the Derbyshire project) or self-set in response to an exhibition opportunity.
Film - Post describing or showing a short art film, a burgeoning aspect of my arts practice.
Series - Part or all of a series of art works.
Visionary Art - Work in the visionary art genre.
Rock Art - Work inspired by rock art and petroglyphs.
Palaeolithic - Work inspired by Palaeolithic experience.
Neolithic - Work inspired by Neolithic experience.
Minoan - Work inspired by the Cretan Bronze Age, an increasing strand in my work.
Archetype - Work inspired by archetypal inner experience.
Entheogen - Work inspired by entheogenic experience.
More categories will be added as and when, but for now this will do.
New Blog...
I am a visual and graphics artist based in
I aim in my work to bridge the vast gaps (whether stylistic, social, spiritual or experiential) between the very ancient and the very modern, and a key point of my work is that the archetypal sensations of our ancestors are alive and present within every human being today. From works of visionary art to organic landscapes and mythological narratives, my work has been described as genre-baffling, as a typical example of archetypal expressionism or as an eye-opening depiction of inner visionary experience.
My website is at www.biroz.net. Please visit there for more information and imagery. All images, sketches, thoughts, musings and rants are, unless otherwise stated, Copyright (c) Bruce Rimell.